




Our automated RNA Clean-up Kit consists of paramagnetic beads and compatible buffers to assist you in getting a high yield of extracted RNA from Sanger Sequencing. We provide effective RNA kits ready for varying formats and targets. Follow only three steps after ordering the Auto-Mag RNA Clean-up Kit from the online store: Bind, Wash, and Elute, & You are done! Bind the sequencing product with the paramagnetic beads! Use ethanol wash to remove dyes, nucleotides, salts, and primers! Choose the elution buffer to elute the high-quality Sanger Sequencing Product! The kit also consists of manual procedures and guidelines to adapt to automatic liquid handling workstations, e.g., Dynamic Devices, Beckman, Hamilton, Tecan, Caliper, Perkin Elmer, Agilent, and Eppendorf, available in the market. Where Can You Use Our Automated RNA Clean-up Kit? Specify familial sequence variants.  Diagnostic sequencing of a single gene. Confirm variants identified by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). RT-qPCR  

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