Background Information
High molecular weight (HMW) DNA (50 kb or larger) is essential for studying large-scale genomic variations and applying long-read next-generation sequencing. It enables detailed genome assembly, which is vital in fields like disease research, biodiversity conservation, and structural variation studies. With the advancements in long-read sequencing, achieving high-quality HMW DNA has become crucial for obtaining accurate and comprehensive genomic data.
Current Challenges
Extracting and purifying HMW DNA is challenging, as traditional methods often result in fragmented DNA, impacting long-read sequencing quality. Additionally, degraded sample material or improper extraction techniques can reduce HMW DNA integrity. Existing purification technologies struggle to effectively separate short fragments (<5kb) from HMW DNA, resulting in lower sequencing accuracy on third-generation platforms.
Our Solution
To address the limitations of HMW DNA extraction and purification, AMD Biotech offers new solutions: the Auto-Mag® HMW DNA Isolation Kit and the Auto-Mag® HMW Size Select Kit. These kits provide gentle and precise HMW DNA isolation and selective removal of small fragments, ensuring only high-quality, high-molecular-weight DNA is retained for sequencing.
Our Approach
Our Auto-Mag® HMW DNA Isolation Kit uses nanomagnetic bead technology to avoid DNA fragmentation by bypassing spin columns and high-speed centrifugation, maximizing yield and integrity. For the removal of short fragments of DNA confounded in HMW DNA samples, Auto-Mag® HMW Size Select is a new and truly practical magnetic bead-based reagent for short DNA fragment depletion and HMW DNA size selection and cleanup. It allows customizable size selection to eliminate DNA fragments <5kb, <10kb, <20kb or <30kb in length from high molecular weight DNA samples to trace levels and recover larger DNA fragments of the desired size.
Auto-Mag® HMW Size Select is suitable for unsheared HMW DNA cleanup and can also be used to selectively remove small DNA fragments while recovering larger DNA fragments from fragmented gDNA or partially degraded gDNA samples. Improved the quality of HMW DNA samples and met the requirements of the third-generation sequencing platform for HMW DNA samples. Dramatically improve average read length on third-generation sequencing platforms such as PacBio SMRT Technology or Oxford Nanopore Technology.
Together, these kits provide a simplified, reliable solution for obtaining high-quality HMW DNA suitable for third generation sequencing platforms, resulting in increased average read length and accuracy.