Auto-Mag® HMW DNA Isolation Kit
Product Information
- Consistent High-Quality Results: Reproducibly isolate high molecular weight genomic DNA (50–300+ kb) with reliable performance.
- Versatile Sample Compatibility: Achieve high yields from various sample types, including bacteria, tissues, and bodily fluids.
- Streamlined Protocols: User-friendly workflows efficiently remove RNA and inhibitors, ensuring sample purity.
- Automation-Ready: Fully compatible with automated platforms; pre-designed scripts for Kingfisher™ and IsoPure™ systems are included for convenience.
- Third-Generation Sequencing Compatible: Extracted HMW DNA is ideal for Nanopore and PacBio SMRT sequencing platforms.
- Cost-Effective: Offers up to 50% savings compared to similar products, delivering exceptional value without compromising quality.
HMW DNA Isolation Workflow
- Confirm the sample volume.
- Add Proteinase K to lysis the cells.
- Add Beads to bind DNA
- Separate beads from contaminants.
- Wash magnetic beads to remove contaminants.
- Elute DNA from magnetic beads.
Data & References
HMW DNA Isolation
Fig 1. HMW gDNA were isolated from whole blood, saliva or cultured cell samples with AMD’s Auto-Mag® HMW DNA Isolation Kit. The isolated HMW DNA was analyzed on Agilent’s TapeStation 2200.
Comparison of HMW DNA Purity & Yield
Figure 2. HMW Genomic DNA was extracted from 200 µl of whole blood using Auto-Mag® HMW DNA Isolation Kit and Competitor (M) HMW DNA Isolation Kit. Purity and concentration of DNA extracted by both kits was assessed using NanoDrop spectrophotometer. The measurements were determined in triplicate. The ratio of absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm was used to assess protein contamination while the ratio of absorbance at 260 nm and 230 nm was used to assess the presence of contaminants. Both kits’ spectrophotometric measurements met the criteria for high quality DNA. In terms of determined recovery, Auto-Mag® HMW DNA Isolation Kit had a slightly better DNA yield compared to Competitor (M) kit.
- Isolation method: Magnetic bead-based technology
- Sample sources: Blood, saliva, culture cells, tissue, bacteria, etc.
- Starting amount: Up to 200 µl of blood or saliva, up to 10mg tissue, 1x106-9 cells,
- DNA size range: 50-300+kb
- Typical yield: Depend upon sample, (2-20μg)
- Purity: 260/280 and 260/230 of >1.7
- Elution volume: >50µL
- Process method: Automated or manual
- Downstream Application: Long Read Sequencing, NGS, Real-time PCR, PCR, Microarray
- Shelf life: 12 months from date of delivery & 24 months from date of production.
Protocol / Handbooks / Resources
- Auto Mag® HMW DNA Isolation Kit Protocols.pdf
- HMW DNA Isolation Protocols for Blood or Saliva Samples .pdf
- HMW DNA Isolation Protocol for Buccal Swab Sample .pdf
- HMW DNA Isolation Protocol for Cell Culture Sample .pdf
- HMW DNA Isolation Protocol for Tissue Sample .pdf
- HMW DNA Isolation Protocol for Bacteria Sample .pdf
- Auto Mag® HMW DNA Isolation Kit MSDS 1.pdf