Auto-Mag® DNA Normalization Kit
Product Information
Key Features:
- Rapid and Reliable Quantification & Normalization: Efficient quantification and normalization of gDNA, PCR amplicons, or fragmented DNA.
- Consistent Results: Achieves reproducible normalization results
- Genomic DNA: ~400 ng,
- PCR Product: ~400 ng.
- No Additional Steps: No centrifugation, filtration, or standard curve required.
- Simultaneous Actions: Normalization, clean-up, and concentration performed in a single process.
- Efficiency & Cost Reduction: Reduces library construction time, reagent consumption, and overall costs.
- Workflow Flexibility: Compatible with both manual and automated workflows.
- Unbound DNA Recovery: Includes reagents for the recovery of excess unbound DNA (Cat. # S006-01P and S006-02P).
Protocol Modification Note:
In version 2.2 of the standard protocol for normalizing gDNA or PCR amplicons, the elution buffer volume is increased from 25μL to 40μL. This adjustment simplifies calculations and enables more precise aliquoting of DNA for applications requiring less than 400 ng, without changing the core steps or modifying the protocol. Additionally, the increased elution buffer volume reduces pipetting errors. All other procedural steps and requirements remain unchanged from version 2.1."
Auto-Mag® DNA Normalization Kit is a paramagnetic bead-based solution designed for rapid and consistent recovery of a predetermined amount of DNA from samples containing varying levels of genomic DNA, PCR amplicons, or DNA fragments.
Leveraging proprietary bead technology, the kit precisely limits DNA binding capacity, leaving excess DNA unbound for easy separation. The standard protocol provides normalized DNA yields of approximately 400 ng for genomic DNA or PCR amplicons. Customizable yield adjustments are available, allowing recovery ranges from 100–1,000 ng for genomic DNA or 100–500 ng for PCR amplicons (please contact us for detailed customization procedures).
This workflow eliminates the need for centrifugation, filtration, or additional DNA quantification and dilution after normalization. It streamlines laboratory processes, reducing both labor and reagent consumption. In addition to normalization, the DNA is simultaneously purified and concentrated, making it ready for direct use in downstream applications such as PCR, sequencing, NGS library construction, and more.
The Auto-Mag® DNA Normalization Kit supports flexible processing formats, including both 96-well plates (manual or automated) and single-tube setups (manual only). An Unbound DNA Recovery Reagent is also available upon request, allowing recovery of DNA that remains unbound during the normalization process.
- Genomic DNA and sheared genomic DNA normalization
- PCR amplicom normalization
- NGS library normalization
- DNA fragment preparation.
DNA Normalization Workflow
- Transfer the DNA samples into a tube.
- Bind the DNA to the magnetic beads.
- Separate the beads from contaminants and excess DNA.
- Wash the magnetic beads with 80% ethanol.
- Elute the normalized DNA from the magnetic beads.
Data & References
gDNA Normalization
Fig 1. Genomic DNA (gDNA) normalization was carried out using 20µl of input gDNA at varying concentrations, following the recommended standard protocol. After normalization, the gDNA was eluted in 20µl of Elution Buffer. The quality and integrity of the normalized gDNA were assessed by running the samples on a 1.2% agarose gel electrophoresis and by evaluating them using the Agilent TapeStation 2200 system.
PCR Amplicon Normalization
Fig 2. The AMP region (~500 bp) of the pUC19 plasmid was amplified in a 50µl PCR reaction using AMP primers. A 25µL aliquot of the PCR product was normalized using the Auto-Mag® DNA Normalization Kit, and the normalized product was eluted into 25µl of Elution Buffer. 10µl of both the original PCR product and the corresponding normalized product from each sample were analyzed on a 1.2% agarose gel electrophoresis. The normalized PCR products were also evaluated using an Agilent TapeStation 2200. Lane: 1–8 contain 10µl of the original PCR product (before normalization), and Lane: 9–16 contain 10µl of the normalized PCR product (after normalization).
- Purification method: Magnetic bead-based technology
- Main function: DNA quantitation and normalization for NGS
- Sample sources: gDNA, PCR product, & Fragmented DNA
- Starting amount: Minimum input for gDNA normalization is >1500ng.
- DNA recovery: gDNA (400ng), PCR amplicon (400ng) with standard protocol.
- Process method: Manual or automation
- Storage: 15-25°C. Ships at ambient temperature.
- Shelf life: 12 months from date of delivery & 24 months from date of production.
- Over 600,000 preps sold!